How does hypnotherapy work?

A hypnotic state is a natural occurrence we experience every day, when daydreaming, when playing sports, when immersing ourselves in a film or a novel. The world around you appears to dissolve, or become less important, and whatever it is that you are focusing on takes on your undivided attention, feelings and perception.

Guided by a skilled therapist, your inner mind becomes more curious, free, and creative, unhindered to affect  profound and lasting changes to behaviours, feelings, thought patterns and actual physical modalities. 

Whether you need to release established patterns of behaviour, decondition unhelpful ways of thinking and feeling, or release trauma, by using hypnosis, this therapy produces surprising changes which spring from unconscious releases and make way to both unconscious and conscious new learning.

Today, science is demonstrating how our mind is directly responsible for the state of our immune system and for most processes of health or illness which affect our lives. By addressing both mind and body, hypnotherapy seeks to develop the resources and equilibrium necessary for health and wellbeing.


What is hypnotherapy?
What is hypnosis?
Will I be 'out of control’?
Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Are there some people who cannot be hypnotised?
How many hypnotherapy sessions will I need?
How long does it last?
Why do people cluck like chicken whilst hypnotised?

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